They are funny and festive, but some seem lackluster in character and personality. The two on the right look a little on the manic side. So, I decided to do my own twist on the pumpkin people.
Materials Needed:
1 jar
Halloween candy
1 tiny pumpkin
googly eyes
small piece of candy (for nose)
doll hair
tiny, bendy twig (for mouth)
white glue (I prefer Alene's tacky glue)
Fill the jar with the candy. Glue eyes and nose on the pumpkin. Add the mouth and bend to smile, if desired. Glue strands of hair onto the top until desired coiffure achieved.
And...voila! A really cute pumpkin person. I decided to give him an understated Mona Lisa smile.

haha. I agree.
your pumpkin people are much cuter!
That's really sweet, Rebecca. Thank you.
What a cute idea for Halloween! Thanks for sharing! I will have to do this for my cooking group meeting around the holidays.
You are welcome! Thank you for visiting.
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