Today was an particularly emotional Mother's Day for me. My mom has been gone for about 6 1/2 years now and I miss her terribly. I so wish that she were here to talk to because she was such a comfort to me. I am very grateful that I do have my precious grandmother, Lottie, who is now 95. She lives at home with my Auntie Margo and is still of very sound mind and spirit. She is also hysterically funny and openly admits having a huge crush on Taylor Hicks.
I was going through some of my mom's things a couple of months ago and came across some wonderful treasures. I found several papers she had written while she was in school (circa 1950's). I found handwritten recipes from her Home Ec class, several small cookbooks, and two papers she had written about her life experiences. I was thrilled to find them and I plan to try many of the recipes. The papers she wrote were very sweet, and in them she shared how much she loved and admired my grandmother. I decided to make them into a little booklet for her and give it to her with her Mother's Day present.
I copied the pages with my color copier and did a couple of special effects which gave it even more of an aged look. I used plain white copy paper, so you can see the interesting effects the copier did.

I used a piece of scrapbook paper with old postcards pictured on it as the cover. After I put it together, I punched a hole in the top and tied it with a ribbon.

For the back I used scrapbook paper that looked like an old newspaper.

I made a card for her using Printshop and kept it in the same genre with an old fashioned picture of a mom with her baby.

I used a font called Zapfino which I found on It is one of my favorites.

On the way to my grandmother's house today, I made an attempt to read the sweet things my mom said about her to my husband, but ended up in a pathetic crumpled heap of sobs. I decided that it would be better for my aunt to read it to her later. I will attribute my emotions today to a wonderful childhood and a precious family that I love dearly. I am so honored and grateful to be a mom, especially to my two incredible children.
I hope that all of you moms had a wonderful Mother's Day!